Health Tips

Cityline TV – Repair, recover and renew! The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been overwhelming on both our physical and mental health. However, my new book “Welcome Back: How to reboot your physical and mental health resiliency in a post-pandemic world” is a perfect resource for steps to take to manage your well-being.

Bulleting #5 Covid-19: It’s Last Call for Travel. Each of you will need to make risk/benefit decisions that are correct for your family. Certainly, the guidance from all public health departments here in Canada and in the U.S. is to cease all “unnecessary travel.” As Dr. Fauci from NHI said, “I certainly won’t be travelling for leisure reasons.” I concur.

As Covid-19 begins this week to impact the stock market, universities and quite simply day to day travel which we take for granted, Dr. Elaine Chin will try to continue to address questions that many of you are asking. Certainly, some answers are clear, but we are now moving into grey zones. Our team will continue to do our best to stay current and remain aggressively innovative to help all of us ‘stay ahead of the curve’.