Health Tips

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Stair workout – what 5 flights of stairs per day can do!

Research shows that incorporating just 5 flights of stairs into your daily routine can reduce your cardiovascular risk by a whopping 20%. Embrace the simplicity – climb those stairs, take a breather, and then conquer them again.

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Deserted island supplements

Ever wondered about the key supplements for surviving on a deserted island?

Riskboss Magazine: Your Health – Your Risk

There’s an old saying: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince,
and dinner like a pauper.” It holds true. Studies reveal that your metabolism operates most efficiently when you front-load your calories. Given this, I find myself puzzled by the trend of intermittent fasting. While it does lead to weight loss due to reduced calorie intake, it’s also been reported to boost energy levels. I have two theories that might explain these observations.

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The Latest on COVID-19: What You Need to Know

The medical community is closely monitoring a new variant of COVID-19 known as BA.2.86. This variant has gained attention due to its distinctive profile, harbouring an impressive 30 mutations within its spike protein. These mutations raise valid concerns about the variant’s potential to pose challenges to our existing immunity.

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Instant Noodle Slowly Poisoning You

Think twice before slurping those instant noodles! While they may be quick and convenient, did you know they often contain a laundry list of chemical ingredients?

CTV Your Morning: Is it a cold or seasonal allergies?

Watch this CTV Your Morning segment where I give insights on the allergy season. It’s in full force, with sneezing, puffy eyes and all, but you may also be experiencing symptoms that feel like a spring cold. So, how can you tell the difference?

CTV Your Morning: Spring break medicine kit

Watch this CTV Your Morning segment where I give insights on what to pack before you head out on a March getaway.

The Tiger Doctor VS. Aging – Episode 03: Diet & Exercise

Dr. Elaine Chin. It’s never too late to start taking care of your health! Age gracefully with the right combination of exercise and nutrition. So why wait? Embrace your age and start living your healthiest life today.

Cityline TV – How one family is managing Type 1 diabetes in their child

Dr. Elaine Chin has important information on managing diabetes along with the powerful story of…

Cityline TV – How to recover your health and happiness post-pandemic

Dr. Elaine Chin brings her new book “Welcome Back: How to Reboot Your Physical and Mental Health Well-Being for a Post-Pandemic World’ to Cityline. “We have to do better and try to recognize that wellness is NOT a luxury.