Thought Leadership

Dr. Elaine Chin. The average age for menopause is 51, since menopause generally lasts between seven and 14 years, millions of postmenopausal women are coming into management and top leadership roles at age 54, while experiencing mild to severe symptoms such as depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation, and cognitive impairment, to name a few. If you are menopausal – do not suffer in silence. You get no medals for it.

This summer we’ve become all too aware of a spike in closures of emergency departments and intensive care units across Canada. This has not only affected smaller hospitals in rural communities. For the first time, many teaching hospitals have been impacted, including the Toronto General Hospital – one of the world’s top 10-ranked hospitals. This scares me. Frankly, it should scare all of us.

The pandemic has impacted everyone differently. Prioritizing the types of benefits that reduce the impact of chronic conditions and investing in targeted wellness programs have proven return on investment. Dr. Elaine Chin, explains the role of organizations in reducing COVID-19-related health issues in the Plans & Trusts September/October 2022 issue.