Wellness Wednesdays: Previously I talked about the fact that one billion women around the world will experience menopause by 2025. Now, I want to give equal attention to a similar condition that affects 1 billion men who will experience andropause, some call this condition male menopause. Is there such a thing?

Cityline TV – Repair, recover and renew! The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been overwhelming on both our physical and mental health. However, my new book “Welcome Back: How to reboot your physical and mental health resiliency in a post-pandemic world” is a perfect resource for steps to take to manage your well-being.

This summer we’ve become all too aware of a spike in closures of emergency departments and intensive care units across Canada. This has not only affected smaller hospitals in rural communities. For the first time, many teaching hospitals have been impacted, including the Toronto General Hospital – one of the world’s top 10-ranked hospitals. This scares me. Frankly, it should scare all of us.

Women Worth & Wellness™ is proud to be hosting a special live, in-person event designed specifically for C-Suite Women Leaders. We want to help you step up to this next level leadership invitation, by being exceptionally healthy and well, self-confident to conquer anything, positive, tenacious, and determined!

HR Management Institute Canada – Vancouver November 8, 2022 – In this unique session, Grace Palombo, EVP & CHRO at Great West Lifeco, will engage in conversation with Dr. Elaine Chin, a renowned physician and champion of wellness innovation, to address the forgotten leadership competency of physical and mental health, explore scientific evidence that will help you strengthen your health resiliency, as well as actionable insights and strategies to reclaim your physical stamina and mental fitness after the past two years of the pandemic.