Health Tips

The mysteries of brain fog post-COVID: Exploring 5 key contributors

Are you grappling with brain fog post-COVID recovery? Dive into the underlying factors behind this cognitive cloudiness.

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Are you experiencing brain fog post-COVID?

Research reveals startling findings: cognitive functions, including reasoning and executive skills, may be impaired. Moreover, the strain of COVID you contracted could intensify these effects.

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Unveiling the impact of COVID on cognitive function: Does COVID affect IQ?

Are you experiencing brain fog post-COVID? Research reveals startling findings: cognitive functions, including reasoning and executive skills, may be impaired. Moreover, the strain of COVID you contracted could intensify these effects.

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Breaking down breast implants: Choices, safety, and empowerment

Let’s talk about breast implants, a topic often associated with aesthetics inspired by the Kardashians and those pursuing a vision of beauty.

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Microplastics in your water – Size matters!

Did you know the size of plastics matters? Micro and nanoparticles in bottled water and soft plastics can embed in your tissues, leading to various health issues like inflammation, arthritis, rashes, headaches, and gut problems.

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Rethinking soda: The hidden risks behind diet drinks!

Are diet sodas, like Diet Coke, innocent choices for your health? Let’s unpack the concerns surrounding these seemingly harmless beverages.

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Colon cancer in youth

Hold up! Did you know your favorite meal might be linked to a surge in colon cancer among young adults?

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Halitosis – Unlocking fresh breath secrets

Let’s dive into the world of Halitosis, aka bad breath. Did you know certain toothpaste brands with added mouthwash might be causing more harm than good?

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Deserted island supplements

Ever wondered about the key supplements for surviving on a deserted island?

Riskboss Magazine: Your Health – Your Risk

There’s an old saying: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince,
and dinner like a pauper.” It holds true. Studies reveal that your metabolism operates most efficiently when you front-load your calories. Given this, I find myself puzzled by the trend of intermittent fasting. While it does lead to weight loss due to reduced calorie intake, it’s also been reported to boost energy levels. I have two theories that might explain these observations.