
CP24 Wellness Wednesdays: Colon cancer

Wellness Wednesdays: March is the national colorectal cancer awareness month. Overall cancer rates continue to decline, and survival rates continue to improve. We used to think of colorectal cancer as an older person’s disease. Not anymore. New alarming statistics.

The risk of BBQ foods: Grilling can create cancer-causing chemicals

Dr. Elaine Chin. Going ‘viral’ with over half a million accounts reached is an abstract concept for many of us who have healthcare careers and post for the purpose of getting important evidence-based information out to people. Recently I posted a Cancer Awareness Series. The risk of BBQ foods went ‘viral’. I’m ‘at risk’ for colon cancer because of my family history.

How to prevent cancer – Episode 02: Barbecue

Dr. Elaine Chin. Did you know that cooking over high heat, especially an open flame, can expose you to potential cancer-causing compounds like heterocyclic aromatic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)? Studies show that these harmful compounds can cause changes in DNA that may increase the risk of cancer.

How to prevent cancer – Episode 01: Destressing

Dr. Elaine Chin. The process of cellular apoptosis may sound complex, but it’s actually a vital part of our body’s daily functions. Simply put, it’s the process by which our cells naturally die and are replaced by new, healthy cells.

Stress Can Make You ‘Dumb & Fat’

When we’re young, we believe that we can get away with anything. What we don’t realize is how chronic stress can wreak havoc on our body, both physically and mentally. As we age, we discover that chronic stress can trigger many things in our body. I will share simple guidelines for you to follow that will help to prevent chronic stress.

Alcohol Can Kill – and it’s Not Drinking and Driving

Imagine finishing up a glass of wine and debating whether or not to pour yourself a second glassful. You might not be aware that there is a connection between alcohol consumption and cancer. Although there are numerous headlines on the Internet that suggest a drink or two a day is cardio-protective, the opposite is true for cancer.