Wellness guide
We need to make ‘Return to Work Plans’ a priority even in the face of new variants like Omicron and whatever may come next. Everyone needs to return to a place where they can build relationships again for their emotional well-being.
UofT is proud to feature Dr. Elaine Chin as one of our esteemed alumni, and her incredible efforts through the early stages of the pandemic to secure PPE, support front-line workers and fund critical research has really resonated with our Temerty Medicine community.
With vaccines available to nearly all Americans and schools and business opening back up, Dr. Elaine Chin discusses the road forward to a healthier post-pandemic life.
Cityline TV – Repair, recover and renew! The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been overwhelming on both our physical and mental health. However, my new book “Welcome Back: How to reboot your physical and mental health resiliency in a post-pandemic world” is a perfect resource for steps to take to manage your well-being.