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Neurotoxin for teeth grinding and clenching

In stressful environments, many of us find ourselves clenching our teeth, which can lead to discomfort over time. But there’s hope – Neurotoxin injections.

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Longevity program – Optimize your telomeres

Dr. Elaine Chin provides insights into the nature of telomeres and their impact on longevity. Explore ways to safeguard your telomeres for a healthier and extended lifespan.

Riskboss Magazine: How hormones can impact your career

In less than three years, more than 1 billion women in the world will be…

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Hormone balance to reverse aging

View this video featuring Dr. Elaine Chin as she discusses the impact of hormonal changes throughout different life stages and addresses anti-aging strategies.

How Old Are You Really?

“Previously we assumed that the genome, our entire DNA library,
didn’t change throughout a person’s life. That’s been proven wrong — it can be modified by the environment,” says Elaine
Chin, M.D., founder and chief medical
officer at Executive Health Centre and author of Lifelines: Unlock the Secrets of Your Telomeres for a Longer, Healthier Life.

Secret of Anti-Aging: Telomere Health – Elevate Tech Festival

Medical doctor, Dr. Elaine Chin speaks about the the secret of anti-aging: telomere health at Elevate Tech Festival in Toronto.

Precision Prescribing: Our DNA is Talking, It’s Time to Listen

Precision Prescribing: Our DNA is Talking, It’s Time to Listen. Q&A with Dr. Elaine Chin – Dolce Magazine

Live a Happier, Healthier and Longer Life

Live a Happier, Healthier and Longer Life. Q&A with Dr. Elaine Chin – Dolce Magazine