Riskboss Magazine

Riskboss Magazine: Your Health – Your Risk

There’s an old saying: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince,
and dinner like a pauper.” It holds true. Studies reveal that your metabolism operates most efficiently when you front-load your calories. Given this, I find myself puzzled by the trend of intermittent fasting. While it does lead to weight loss due to reduced calorie intake, it’s also been reported to boost energy levels. I have two theories that might explain these observations.

Riskboss Magazine: How hormones can impact your career

In less than three years, more than 1 billion women in the world will be…

Your Health. Your Risk.

This summer we’ve become all too aware of a spike in closures of emergency departments and intensive care units across Canada. This has not only affected smaller hospitals in rural communities. For the first time, many teaching hospitals have been impacted, including the Toronto General Hospital – one of the world’s top 10-ranked hospitals. This scares me. Frankly, it should scare all of us.