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  • Indigo recommended Top 10 wellness book


Welcome Back!

How to reboot your physical and mental well-being for a post-pandemic world

Our shared pandemic has shaken every single one of us, unleashing a wave of physical and mental micro-traumas – both known and unknown. It’s now time to roar back and reclaim your well-being!

Welcome Back! is your wellness partner, guiding you from languishing to thriving. This book puts the power of achieving optimal health into your hands. With do-it-yourself diagnostics grounded in personalized medicine, Welcome Back! will boost your sense of health, fortify your immunity and put an end to pandemic fears and anxiety.


This book is a self-help guide, based on science, to deliver us out of an unprecedented health crisis of our generation when all norms have been broken in how we work, take care of our health, and interact with one another.


Wellness isn’t a luxury – it’s the foundation for enjoying all of life’s offerings and something we just simply must prioritize.


Because of the pandemic, it has led to lockdowns and life restrictions which caused a negative impact for so many people. There is a new awareness that health is of utmost importance, and it’s now time to act, be proactive and take a preventative approach to our well-being.


I will take a science-based approach to identify and repair any damage we have done to our body and mind, use the most current techniques to help us recover from a physically difficult and mentally traumatic time in our lives and renew our personal commitment to improving our physical and mental resiliency from future health crises.


About the author

Elaine Chin, MD & MBA (University of Toronto)

Thought leader  |  Health vanguard  |  Champion of wellness innovation


Dr. Chin is one of the world’s leading go-to physicians for Fortune 100 executives, an advisor at the GH Wellness Lab (Good Housekeeping Magazine) and a future-focused entrepreneur who is passionate about combining innovation, technology and compassion to achieve exceptional wellness.

Dr. Chin’s mission is to make personalized medicine accessible to all and help people of all ages bring their physical and mental health into harmony. At the start of the pandemic, she helped raise more than $250,000 to secure and distribute masks for healthcare workers in Canada.